Tralalala... ♥

Sunday, April 6, 2008

In-love Again.

The hardest thing.

Now, I think I'm in-love again with the person I loved before. Although I am not so sure what he thinks right now, I'm 90% willing to take the risk of loving and getting hurt again.

But there's this fear I feel of losing him once more.
I don't know.
It's just soooo unclear.

Basta, the bottom line is, I love him. :)

"You won't miss someone you don't love." -Shasha

Goodbye, G600. || 040408

School @ 10am.
MMC @ 11am.
Glorietta with Eesah.

Okay, so Eesah and I was looking around Glorietta to find a gift for her loved one. We weren't able to see any so we decided to roam around SM.


With just one click, after my last step going to Glorietta, my phone got lost. I couldn't find it in my bag so with my other shopping bags as well.

Damn. First time, big time!

I bought that phone just this January.
Can't believe I had it for like 2 and a half months only. :((